About Us

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Adele Yellow, BCBA

Director & Clinical Lead, Adele Yellow is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst and has 20 years experience in the field of Behaviour change. She has supported schools, care providers, families and organisations to make effective behaviour changes for individuals, their families, staff teams and organisational developments at a strategic level. She has graduate qualifications in Psychology and Learning Development Support Services and post graduate qualifications in Behaviour Analysis and Organisational Behaviour Management . She also a Full Member & Director to the Board for the UK Society for Behaviour Analysis, a member of the British Institute of Learning Disabilities and of the British Psychological Society.

Adele specialises in Autism and Learning Disability in both adult and child populations and Social Emotional & Mental Health in children and young adult populations in educational settings. She also has direct experience and expertise in school organisational systems and improving whole school outcomes for both staff and pupils.

She can support schools, education providers, organisations and families in Yorkshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire & Merseyside